
This Document Coincides with a Major Victory for The Way of Fairness – We Rule All.

Join us or eat crap. On unfair Individuals and subgroups within existing alliances, groups, movements, political groups, families etc. An example is Satanists, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, republicans, democrats, communists etc. that have unfairness with some members while other members are with the way of fairness.  Unfair people will not be protected by their […]


Satanists for Fairness

Satanists for Fairness Most satanists have already updated. They are atheists. Thay stand for justice. They are the same as the way of fairness. Each to their own opinion. 


I Have Faith That God Does Not Exist

I am a faith-based atheist. I have faith that God does not exist. However, I have faith in the divine mind that evolved from no mind. The universe happened from itself without a God creating it. Have a great day. Each to their own opinion.


We Want You to Be Happy.

We want you to be happy. Listen – any belief is fine if it is fair – if it does no harm. Are you trying to help or harm others? Why not help others up rather than break them down. You cannot harm us or kill us – we just grow back. Join us, we […]


We Are Faith Based Atheists


The Absurdity of Religion

Is there actually a type of Star Wars going on in our universe – a war between God and Satan – a war in heaven and hell as some religions claim? I think there is based on personal contact with extraterrestrials and earth-based spirits. Whoever has the most power will win this universal war. Perhaps […]


The Divine Mind Evolved From no Mind.

The divine mind evolved from no mind. It was not created. In the beginning was the word, Aum. It had no consciousness. We are faith-based atheists. Are you one?


There is an Inevitable Consequence for Being Unfair to Us.

We are choosing to believe there will be fairness for everyone. Many have set themselves up for punishment because they are guilty of unfairness. They hope to get away with being unfair to us. This is impossible. Their punishment is an automatic feature of reality. It is inevitable cause and effect. 


Curses on the Unfair

FYI, I threaten to curse and curse everyone that is doing others wrong unless they stop. This is the law of fairness. People must respect fairness.



I have been seeking wisdom on what to do when I die? Maybe there is a choice to not exist or to continue to exist? Because advanced extraterrestrials can stop cessation of mind from happening. I have decided I want to continue being me if I can to continue to defeat unfairness. I will do […]