
YouTube Video – God Wants Our World Fairness Agreement to Happen


If There is No God Who Has Authority? God or no God Fairness Must Be the Priority

If there is no supreme being that has total authority over everything and everyone then it is our way of fairness that has the most authority. Our way of fairness will put an end to the delusion that scripture is factual and was written by the supreme being over all people everywhere. These scriptures oppose […]


Our Way of Fairness is the winning side to be on.

The winning side Choose Fairness  Choose Fairness 4 Your Victory. They can’t do us wrong or else they will be punished. If there’s a God, then God’s with team fairness.  There’s not a boss of All other than fairness for all. Our Way is Fairness The Way of Fairness is the most powerful team. […]


Do we have a hidden part of ourselves that has unfair thoughts?

Do we have a part of ourselves that has unfair thoughts? We do. We try to stop ourselves as best we can. Please forgive us. We are sorry. Thank you. We care about ourselves and others. You need to stop us from doing you wrong and we need to stop you from doing us wrong.  […]


Team Fairness Versus Team Unfairness. It’s Not Fair to Be Neutral

We are not fighting you. Fight us and you will be punished. Who are you to say there’s a God? Who are we to say there is no God? If you stop saying there is one, we will stop saying there isn’t one. If you are a believer, you must be fair with your beliefs. […]


All Powerful, all knowing, and omnipresent Creator of all of us wants us to kill each other -Creates Morality – T or F?

Divine Command All Powerful, all knowing, and omnipresent Creator of all of us and everything created religion A and religion B, both of which have an infallible scripture that directs both of them to destroy the other one for being an enemy to alleged supreme being. This alleged supreme being is said to be all […]


Select YouTube – Does Your Religion Bash Atheists?


I was just told that I am Satan now.

Fairness for all and fairness from all is the order.


To Hell with Unfair People.

To Hell with Unfair People. Fair people will be rewarded with heaven on earth and unfair people will be punished with hell on earth. Heaven and hell are in our minds. Torment in the minds of unfair people and joy in the minds of fair people.


Atheism is the Norm for Extraterrestrials.

Fairness is what matters most. They can say God rules the universe and we can say there is no God and actually atheism is the norm for extraterrestrials.  The more advanced we become, the atheistic we become. The more we know, the more know there is no God. Believing in God is ok as long as […]