Someone told us a lie. Someone else told us the truth. Someone did us wrong. Someone else didn’t do us wrong. Someone exploited us. Someone else didn’t exploit us. Someone cheated us. Someone else didn’t cheat us. We are We are the most powerful alliance in the universe. Figure it out.
I wish the parasitic alien minds would lose control of their hosts – the unconscious humans – zombie humans. I think they are an unconscious aspect of the humans. You are a human that has these spirits within as am I. They may be alien minds that have transferred into humans in a way that […]
These days it is the people in religions that have a bad name and they accuse the non religious of having a bad name.
Lunatics, Crazys, who is crazy?
Lunatics, Crazys, who is crazy? Crazy is when you believe something not real is real. This is how religious people are.
Neptune versus Fartman
Neptune versus Fartman He is desperately trying to defeat the overwhelming power of fartman. Neptune tries to control the computer in an attempt to silence fartman. This just causes a terrible smell of death everywhere. It is the death of the Gods. The Gods are failing. I am winning. We all count the same.
I work with and am devoted to serving my higher power. I am an atheist. I cannot imagine an all powerful – all knowing God, that created everything and makes everything happen. I watch as people with this belief struggle to accept the death of a loved one from cancer that is God’s will. It […]
Choose Love Not Fear
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Ask Your God or Spiritual Power if I am the King of the Universe
Stop trying to rule over or control others. We need to all unite to stop the rich and powerful from dominating. It’s because we try to defeat or control with unfairness the others that they retaliate. Let your God or the universe know that you agree to stop being unfair to others and ask for […]
Wealthy people are unfair to poor people. Our system supports this arrangement. We are the system. All together humans are close to self-destruction. We need The World Fairness Agreement. More misery happens every day because we have not implemented it.