I have been seeking wisdom on what to do when I die? Maybe there is a choice to not exist or to continue to exist? Because advanced extraterrestrials can stop cessation of mind from happening. I have decided I want to continue being me if I can to continue to defeat unfairness. I will do […]
Author: stevenlchilds
Divine Fairness
I argue there is no God. There is only divine fairness. The evidence is that we can happen from no intelligent creator – that mind evolved from no mind. I argue that this mind that evolved from no mind can become divine by choosing to be fair to all.
They don’t join with Team Fairness because they are cowardly. They are afraid of evil. Evil is unfairness. It fights back. They think we will defeat it for them.
They have the right to be in a religion and a political party, but they don’t have the right to do others wrong. Join Team Fairness. Fairness needs to be the ruler of us all. Does the government have the right to make unfair laws? Do religions have the right to have unfair beliefs? Do […]
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The 2 paths Truth and fairness versus falsehood and unfairness. The people are more and more mentally connected in both groups. The lower path offers us things of the world. It wants power over us. It leads to world destruction. The higher path is toward the servants of the all-powerful all that place us in […]
The World Fairness Agreement simplified. We agree to not do anyone wrong. We are going to ask for the power to make it happen from God or from servants of the all powerful all – if you are atheist – that have the ability to arrange our future. They can make things go our way. […]
Positive always happens from negative. Victory over unfairness happens to us by looking forward to the unfairness because of the consequences that will happen to the person or persons that do us wrong. Before we learned this we were trying desperately to stop unfair things from happening to us. With this new technique we don’t […]
We are Team Fairness. Team fairness agrees to not do anyone wrong. It is not difficult to stop doing others wrong. There is no excuse for it.