The conflict between religions and governments can be solved with The World Fairness Agreement with Team fairness and Church of Fairness
The present religions are entrenched in beliefs that are not fair to the other religions. Obviously, the beliefs of people will need to change. We will have to convince them to compromise their beliefs to some degree.
We don’t want to get rid of any existing systems of government or religions. In the USA, we want a constitutional amendment. We want the law of fairness amendment. The foundation of all systems of government and religions must be that no one can be done wrong by anyone. It is a violation of the law of fairness when a government, a religion, a group or individual does someone else wrong. We don’t prosecute; we teach. Basically, it is peer pressure that enforces the Law of Fairness. We want a revolution within our own hearts and minds only. The world will change from this inner change. Be the change you want to see in the world. I quote Co- Pilot AI, “The quote “Be the change you want to see in the world” is often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of India’s nonviolent independence movement. While the exact wording might not be found in his writings, it captures the essence of his philosophy and actions. Gandhi emphasized personal responsibility and living by example as a means to inspire broader societal change. It’s a powerful and timeless sentiment, isn’t it?” It is our belief that everyone is responsible to end the insanity of being unfair to others.