
The Way of Fairness is Cosmic in Scope

Only various networks with no permanent God at the top. You can disagree. These networks are not only human powered but have connections to extraterrestrials. Of these extraterrestrials we can say very little. They are largely unknown. They are what is beneath the power of Gods. Here is a list of some of them: This […]


The Great Reward for Practicing The Way of Fairness

Practice This Method. Have faith in the Way of Fairness. Have faith everything will turn out good. It is very important to have faith to destroy fear, indecision and paranoia. Fear leaves us when we choose to have faith. Indecision leaves us because either choice will be good with faith in the choice we make. […]


There’s One Authority Over Everyone. It’s the Authority over Unfair Authority

There’s one authority over everyone. We surrender to it completely. We don’t care what you call it. You can call it God. You can call it Satan. You can call it atheism. You can call it anything you want. It is the actual truth. It is whatever wins. It is the Way of Fairness that […]


I Had Trouble with Authority Until a Power on Our Side Became Greater Than Unfair Authority

I had trouble from the worlds authorities until my higher power became greater than the world authority of all of us. My higher power has more power than all of us. It is us when we are surrendered to fairness. It is important to have faith that fairness for all, and fairness from all, will […]


Religion is the #1 Cause of War. A History of the God War in Alcoholics Anonymous

Not too many people know that Alcoholics Anonymous started from the Oxford group. The Oxford group is a strictly Christian organization. The purpose of Christianity is to convert everyone to Christianity and to have everyone in the world Christian. It demands that people follow the bible. The Bible curses everyone that doesn’t surrender to the […]


A New Day

A new day and another clean slate to stop doing others wrong. We have another chance to get this right – to create the world where no one does anyone wrong.


I am the Only Christ.

What we have happening is not Justice. The Law of Fairness Agreement (see menu) is the path to justice for all and justice from all. What we have happening now is a racket for wealthy, powerful people to make more money while the people plead for justice from them as they greedily compete to stay […]


We Are Faith Based Atheists and Have the Most Power on Earth.

We are faith based atheists. We believe all Gods are imaginary and are chosen concepts. Allah, Christ, Jehova, etc. are simply chosen concepts having no power.  We have faith that the actual extraterrestrials we have faith in will punish those doing us wrong. They will be in pain unless they stop doing us wrong.  Many […]