
Way of Fairness is a Joint Effort.

Way of fairness is a joint effort. We are a unity. We all count the same. We don’t clean these ideas, we just share these ideas. It is going to be a fair world for all of us. All of us are individual agents of fairness. Feel free to use these ideas to make your […]


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We Are Headed for the Land of the Dead

We need a way to unify all the people with the way of fairness. People do not want to be fair to others. They conveniently disregard facts and instead believe the lies that support their unfairness. They are going to be total assholes forever. Maybe they are just incapable of understanding the place they are […]


All Gods Unite and Join The Way of Fairness

 Many people believe that their God is going to defeat all the other Gods. What if all the gods unite together. They can compromise and join together. They can all join the way of fairness.


Victory Prayer

We are Friends of Fairness. Fairness Rules All. Here is our victory prayer to All Powerful Fairness.  Give me victory over my difficulties.  I  give all I am to fairness and I stop doing wrong. Give me actual justice and victory now. I know this way wins. I disagree with all else. Those who fight […]


Judas is Defeated


A Universal Way to Stop Gang Stalkers – Cosmic Fairness Friends of the Unknown Authority Over All. 

A Universal Way to Stop Gang Stalkers – Cosmic Fairness Friends of the Unknown Authority Over All.  If you’re not with us, we are against you. We stand for fairness for all, including you. We stand for fairness from all, including you. We are humans and we are non-humans. We are from earth, and we […]


We will unify the world. We agree to be fair to everyone. 

We will unify the world. We agree to be fair to everyone.  Those that won’t agree are against us. An unknown force defeats them. If everyone is required to be fair to everyone, then everyone is required to be fair to you. 


Human Sacrifice

In Northern India Meria were humans purchased to be sacrificed to the Lord. Sometimes it was a person’s own son. Compare this to Bible verse: Genesis, the first book of the Bible, has Abraham preparing to sacrifice his son to God.  “Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much […]


You Are With us, or You Are Against us. We are Friends of Fairness. We are Enemies of Unfairness.

We are Friends of Fairness. We agree to not do wrong to all others. Anyone that does us wrong will be punished by an unknown force. We agree to not do you wrong if you will agree to not do us wrong. If you refuse to agree you are against fairness for everyone. You are […]