
Unfairness, Falsehood and Tyranny from Gangs, Religions and Governments.

Unfairness, Falsehood and Tyranny from Gangs, Religions and Governments.  There are some that want us to be under their control. It will be good for them but not good for us. This is tyranny. We are right in our perspective because our perspective is based on the fact that no one wants others to do […]


We Have a Better Way to Run the World

Burnie Sanders for President The way of fairness is a better way to run the world. Who’s going to run the world? We are going to. All of us will with the law of fairness. All the people need to unite to make this happen. Everyone must agree to make it happen. If we continue […]


Truth About God, Satan and Extraterrestrials

Actually, there is no God or Satan. There are extraterrestrials having access to our minds behind the masks. Some of them deceive us in order to control us. We are controlled with our beliefs. What lies are we believing today?


The Path to Happiness Join Us to Stop Unfairness to You.

Stop doing people wrong. Stop trying to get away with things. Stop thinking wrong of people. Never think they have some wrong attributes like clothes, skin color, face, hair, nose or belly etc. Instead of judging, think that everything about the person is good. If someone has large ears, think good ears, good face, good […]


Satan is the Extraterrestrial. God Does Not Exist, But Satan Does.

My spirit friend says she is Satan. I tell unfair people my extraterrestrial friend is going to punish them if they don’t stop doing me wrong. I am now saying the Devil will. The Devil will punish those that do fair people wrong. Satan is the Devil.  Satan is about justice for all, including religions. […]


A Lord Over Us All is a Losing Idea.

Many of us are against the status quo of God as the creator. We can’t believe it. It is against the evidence. Therefor it is anti-truth. It is perpetual war and conflict. It is divisive with so many separate religions that are determined to somehow become the only one. Atheism is increasing its percentage. People […]


The Conflict Continues – Atheists Versus Believers.

The war between those of the Lord and those that refuse to surrender is still going on. Sometimes they call it the savior or Jesus Christ. Satan or Judas is also in this drama. I was told I am the only Christ, and I am a faith-based atheist. This is from a vision or dream […]


All Religions Need to Get Over the Idea That Atheism Is Not Good.

All religions need to get over the idea that atheism is not good. Atheism is just as good as believing in God. It’s not whether you believe in God or not, that determines if you’re a good person. These are non-believers or believers can be unfair to others. The only thing that determines if you’re […]


Self-Centered Desire Causes Destruction

Self-Centered Desire Causes Destruction When we surrender to serve all we become most happy and create a beautiful future.  What are you trying to do – defeat others, get your own way at the expense of others or are you making things better for all?  There are 2 kinds of people: those that try to […]


Everyone Wins

With the way of fairness everyone wins. I give up to you and you give up to me. Everyone surrenders to serve everyone. We surrender to those around us. We stop fighting others. We all count the same. No one judges anyone. Everyone is good and everything is good. No one has to be killed. […]