
Trump Let Off, Completely Absolved and Exonerated of the Past and So Will Everyone Else.

Trump let off, completely absolved and exonerated of the past. So will everyone else, and I mean everyone. This is the exact idea of “The World Human Fairness Agreement.” This is the only thing that makes sense for us to do about our dreadful future. No one will be in any trouble whatsoever for agreeing […]


The One All Powerful All of a Non-Local Quantum Entangled Mind

Is there a benevolent power that will arrange our future and punish unfair people? I have had many experiences of its happening. I do not have definitive evidence.   My belief is the One All Powerful All is more powerful than Gods that have no evidence of existing.  I do not think the universe has consciousness […]


There has been a fight at Alcoholics Anonymous from the beginning.

There has been a fight at AA from the beginning. If we actually understand the power of AA, we have ceased fighting everything and everyone because our Higher Power does the fighting for us. It is between the different Gods or higher powers that people have. This parallels the fight in the world in general. […]


Perhaps Your God Power is Not Powerful Enough?

Atheists can use the One All Powerful All to ask for help. So can believers. It is not that important what created it. We may never know. Stop judging others and protect them instead. Ask or pray for victory over unfair people until they join the people of fairness. Unfair people can get punished severely […]


Disregarding Truth From Evidence is Destroying Us.

Disregarding scientific evidence and also evidence of our own selfishness is the path to destruction. Both of these issues are about disregarding actual truth about ourselves and about our world.  Religious belief is contrary to actual truth in both issues and is the main cause of this problem. Psychology is also a science.  Religion tells […]


Be Careful Saying There is no Evidence of the Paranormal.

Be careful saying there is no evidence of the paranormal. You could get a PSI bloody nose or maybe even a PSI broken back for evidence. You will have no objective evidence. I am an atheist too. The paranormal does not provide evidence of a Supreme Being. Perhaps Extraterrestrials are the mechanism for the unexplained. I […]


The Cause of Our Self Destruction?

The Problem is The World. Who is the One That Will Save Us? What is the world we are talking about here? It is the people. Earth with no humans would be just fine. Maybe earth likes humans. The universe will be just fine without the earth. Maybe the universe likes the earth. Maybe the […]


It is Difficult Being Fair. Fair People Get Hurt – This Website Reveres This.


A Law That Everyone Will Love

Fairness is subjective. We all choose what it is for ourselves. Law is about punishment for law breakers. The Way of Fairness has a Law. It is the Law Of Fairness. The way of fairness is not the ruling power yet. We want it to be the ruler of the world. We want fairness for […]


Would You Tell the Person That Has the Instructions to Save Your Life to Shut Up?

Does anyone really want me to stop teaching this? Would you tell the rescuer to slow down or would you tell the rescuer to hurry up please. The person that dies if I don’t teach this might be you? Maybe Glenn Beck needs to hear my instructions to save his life? Hurry Glenn, read my […]