
YouTube – Extraterrestrial Mind is Foundational within Human Mind


Aleister Crowley’s “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law” is the Path to Being Defeated.

Alister Crowley’s, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” is the path to being defeated by people of fairness. Fair people have much more power to punish the opposition. Think about it. Never Allow others to do you wrong and never do others wrong is a much more rewarding path. It […]


Opposition to The World Human Fairness Agreement Results in Punishment.

Those that oppose The World Human Fairness Agreement are being punished by a power greater than their lesser power. People of fairness are being protected and supported by a higher power. It is the most powerful force. People that think they can do what they want are being punished. The greater power told me to […]


The Only Way to Save the World. 

Never allow others to do you wrong and never do others wrong.  These 2 principals must be done simultaneously. These 2 principals are the foundation of a law that works. To get us out of hell, all humans must be required to practice both. This is what the entire world must now practice to avoid […]


Protest Worldwide. “Stop the Unfairness Now”

There must have been 1000 different protests so far. Everyone is protesting some type of unfairness. Why can’t we figure this out? We need to all join together and protest unfairness to all the people.  These days we have smartphones and translation aps. We get the thing organized with a quickness and focus on one […]


I Am the Way Out of the Hell We are Trapped In

How long will it take and how much destruction and excruciating fate will it take that only escalates getting worse and worse before we see my website is the only way out of the hell that we are trapped in. I must know what they don’t want me to know – everything – unless we […]


We Know True from False

What do you know? Do you know that false is not true? Generally, people call things that are true facts. A fact is something that’s true. Some facts are important and other facts are not important. The fact, like how your furniture is arranged, is unimportant. It’s important to you, but it’s not important to […]


I Can Defeat Evil

I can defeat evil. I am a faith-based spiritual atheist. I have faith that the only sin is unfairness. I have faith that the Gods are imaginary. I have faith that the most powerful extraterrestrials create hell for those that do others wrong. 


Take Away My Difficulties. 

Take Away My Difficulties.  My difficulty was I didn’t know how to tie my shoes. I prayed for the all powerful to tie my shoes for me. My friend said, “why don’t you just learn how to tie your shoes?”  I just saw a meme on facebook saying “Do not let the behaviors of others […]


Cancel the Lord. Actual Truth has All Power

Cancel the Lord. We want everyone to join us as equals. Being fair to all is the law. Our unity has more power than your Lord. Correct me if I am wrong. We have the most powerful one with us as an equal – ruled by the same law.