
Alien Voyeurs or What?

Actually I have no idea what this life experience is about. I experience the other mind that wants me to masturbate or pursue sexual intercourse with a partner. Why is it of any importance? It is as if there are 2 aliens betting that I will have 1 more ejaculation before I die. I am […]


A Challenge

I challenge anyone that wants to defeat me. I am undefeated. You can be too. You will need the all-powerful fighting your fight for you. The One All Powerful All is my protection. I am a spiritual atheist. I have the most power possible with me. Zoom meeting can be arranged or txt or email […]


Acceptance to Win.

Acceptance to win. Accepting things is losing to things. It is not fighting it at all. It is not fighting back against it. It is totally allowing it. It is not doing the will of others though. Rather, it is letting others have their will without opposing what they want. It is loving everything and […]


Everyone Must Lose to Win. We Want Everyone to Win. Join The Winning Side.

Satan had to lose to win. Judas had to lose to win. The Father in heaven had to lose to win. Mother nature had to lose to win. Mother God, the Goddess had to lose to win. Jesus had to lose to win. Buddha had to lose to win. This is why they are the […]


Never Oppose Fair People or You Will Be Destroyed.

Fair people oppose people that are unfair. Never oppose fair people or you will be destroyed. You will suffer and die. I dreamed that aliens that oppose unfairness are going to exterminate everyone except for me. Then today I dreamed that there will be a small number that does not die. The Gods and networks […]


Want Help with Life Problems?

Grant us victory!  I can help you defeat your life problems. Send me a text or call me. Ph # 385-223-0837 My name is Steve.


Will Aliens Exterminate all Humans?

The universe, your Gods and myself have turned against you that continue to wrong me. It is politics and religions at the root of it. Politics and religion are the control mechanisms.  I am hearing telepathically that your world is going to be destroyed.  Humans are not capable of stopping themselves from doing others wrong […]


This Website Will Save You from Great Suffering If You Share It.

This website will save you from great suffering and it will save your people from great suffering but only if you practice the instructions and share the website with others. 


It is Silly for Them to Think They Know What God is. 

It is Silly for Them to Think They Know What God is.  Actually, they do this to rule over others. They do not even believe it themselves.


My Request/prayer For Help with Unfair People.

Who is Going to Die?  I hear them taunting/testing me trying to rule over me everywhere I go. They tell me I am going to die. Someone will. People die all the time. They tell me I am wrong. I am not wrong. They are wrong. They are just trying to rule over me. I […]