
Humans are Being Provided a Way to Create a Paradise on Earth.

The Only Alternative is a fate worse than death for all humans. Humans are being provided a way to create a paradise on earth. If humans don’t join and practice the way of fairness and implement The World Human Fairness Agreement the future will be a fate worse than death for all Humans. The Way […]


Faith Based Spiritual Atheism.

Actual Truth Matches Faith Based Atheism.  Skeptical Atheists Have the cosmology right. They have the biology right. But it just did not match up with my inner experience in my own mind and my own dreams. Basically, for science, evidence is objects. That’s great. However, we have dreams at night. We have internal mental phenomena […]


My #1 Life Problem. Do You Want to Fight?

My #1 Life Problem. Do You Want to Fight?  People have formed alliances that get away with doing me wrong. My most important priority is to punish and defeat them all.  What is your #1 life problem? Is it not some form of unfairness that unfair alliances are causing you. Isn’t your problem happening from […]


Faith Based Spiritual Atheism – We Can Defeat Unfair Faith Based Religions.

Listen to me. I am not certain of this. This is what I think is true and truth is very important to me. If I win, you win. If I win, we all count same. If I win, fairness will be the boss of all of us, including myself. It is me. No one will […]


Channeling From an Extraterrestrial mind. We Want the Earth Wars to Stop.

Occasionally I merge with ET. and ET tells me info that I put into words. Later I have to basically translate what I have been told. I clarify the writing as soon as I am able. When this merging happens, I am in an altered state of mind. It is a mental war zone for […]


A Hidden Parallel World. Humans Are Apes. The Bible is Wrong. Faith Based Atheism. A Preexisting Alien War for Earth.

It is more pleasant to protect each other than to fight a war against each other. It’s your move. Humans are apes. The Bible is wrong. Grant me victory over unfair humans and non humans.  I was watching a YouTube short video about meditation day celebration. Some people from India were on the video. I […]


Podcast – Extraterrestrial Telepathic Communication


Aliens Help Fair Humans. Secrets and Privacy Are Respected. Grant us Victory!

Grant Us Victory! Every time you have any difficulty ask for victory. This is the way to victory and most likely the only way to victory. We are ruled by ineffective government and religion that we want to benefit and improve. The Way of fairness itself is not ruled by any God, alliance or individual. […]


Evidence of the Paranormal and Implementation of The Way of Fairness Agreement Happen Together. We Will Have a Secret Life of Fairness.

People want to prove telepathy, but no one is documenting what people are hearing and thinking in the telepathic conversation? Why? I think its fear of being harmed in some way. Or, of not getting what we want if we talk about it. Shhh! We know that people are mentally connected somehow. We feel and experience […]


Have You Noticed Some Thoughts Seam Non-Human. They Are Alien Friends