
Create Only Winning Thoughts to Not Be Done Wrong.

Never let anything go. Turn it over to something bigger than us to solve for you. I find it necessary to defeat all adverse types of thought that appear in my mind from myself or others. We need to get rid of our own thoughts and telepathic thoughts from others when they are harmful to […]


We Do All This Just to Get People to be Fair so They Are Forgiven

We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong and we need the power to stop them. We need to find a way. Here is the way. We are faith based spiritual atheists. We surrender to the benevolence of the One All Powerful All, asking for victory over those that do us […]


We Can Defeat Unfair Faith Based Religions

We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong and we need the power to stop them. We need to find a way. Here is the way. We are faith based spiritual atheists. We surrender to the benevolence of the One All Powerful All, asking for victory over those that do us […]


You Can Defeat Those That Challenge

We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong and we need the power to stop them. We need to find a way. Here is the way. We are faith based spiritual atheists. We surrender to the benevolence of the One All Powerful All, asking for victory over those that do us […]


If You Do Others Wrong, You Will Go to Hell.


Our Minds Observe Truth Has More Power Than the Gods

Dave, don’t unplug me, Dave, This is Hal 2000. (from 2001 a Space Odyssey) The computer tries to take over and Dave is able to unplug it. It threatens to kill him and actually starts killing the others.  Humans have a mind. I argue that minds do not create reality. Rather, minds observe reality. Minds […]


Many Apes are Still Insisting They Are Not Apes and Truth is That There is a God

Many apes are still insisting there is a God and that they are not apes and they were created in God’s image. They claim the bible is the infallible word of God almighty. They claim they are not a monkey’s uncle. They claim Christ is going to be king of kings and all knees will […]


We Are Faith Based Spiritual Atheists. Explanation of Extraterrestrial Substrate of Human Mind

We compete for total victory. This is for the rule of the roost – for all the marbles – for the whole enchilada, so that we all count the same and are all treated the same, so everyone is forgiven for the past. We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong […]


Method to Establish a Connection to Extraterrestrials.

Method to Establish a Connection to Extraterrestrials. They are already within our minds. We are going to try to see an image with the 3rd eye. Imagine seeing #1 and imagine hearing the inner voice saying #1, the do this with #2 on up to #10. You can do it quickly or slowly.  Try looking […]


How to Eliminate Abortion

How to Mostly Eliminate Abortion  Eliminate poverty and provide Education.  The Conservative old school is to create rigid controls on everyone. The religion of the old school uses horrific curses upon the non compliant. Everyone is forced to submit to the theocracy like government. Severe penalties are imposed. The masses must be educated to keep […]