
Super-Determind Synchronisity

 If reality is super determined then that can explain why I can have a thought about something and then that thought appears in the world as a person or event. Don’t go crazy with this.  The thought happened 10 minutes ago because of what’s happening now. They say when you speak of the devil, the […]


We Can Stop all Wars, Corruption, Poverty, Hatred and Crime

We can stop all wars, all corruption, all poverty, all hatred of other people and all crime with “The World Fairness Agreement.”  It is in the menu. It is only one page long. It is a simple idea that we need to make happen with world unity. 


Pick Me for Higher Power Dream

I dreamed a women chose me as her higher power, and she won the slot machine. She won lots of money.


Precognitive Dreams About Satanism

I am stopping unfairness. Satanism is good if it is also about stopping unfairness. Last night I dreamed of my connecting to a being wearing black robe and with hoody. They told me he is a poltergeist. He had one pronounced eye and he saw me and knows I can see him too. They told […]


Morning Declaration and Invocation

Oh, don’t worry I am an atheist. You don’t need to be. Maybe there is an eternal all-powerful, all-knowing intelligence that created us and has all power over us, or maybe we evolved from randomness? This is not what matters. Fairness is what matters. The worst mistake is choosing to be unfair. Karma – cause […]


I am the Destroyer of Evil. Shivo Ham.

People can choose to be fair and to stop others from being unfair. What will happen to us today? Be careful what you do and say. Fairness saves us. Accept everything as it happens from the one that controls all and is all – the all-powerful all – Equanimity! A powerful servant can change things for […]


We Will Win the Battle Against the Unfair Mind

There is a dual nature to our efforts. First is our personal victory over those who seek to control or defeat us. In order to win our struggle, we must have the winning purpose or reason for our struggle, and it is the reason that we should win. It is the reason that we should […]


Damage From Human Caused Global Warming

The Damage from human caused global warming has gone from 0 to 60 in nothing flat. Just look at the flooding. More is on the way or would you prefer terrible droughts? Maybe you would prefer hurricanes and tornadoes. Maybe you would prefer huge fires destroying trees and buildings? 


Liars Lose

Those that deceive are bigger than nothing. Their me is bigger than nothing. Our me is bigger than their me. We are the biggest me. Our me is we. Their power is bigger than nothing. They will join us in truth and fairness or parish. 


Those That Disrespect The Way of Fairness and Myself Will Be Punished

Those that disrespect The Way of Fairness and myself will be punished and they will not receive any protection or assistance.  Everyone is good. Everyone must practice the guidance of The Way of Fairness to be forgiven for being unfair.  We are all one. We have no enemy in the Way of Fairness.