
There is Only 1 Way – In a Word – Fairness

Years ago I was given a dream telling me that there is only one way. I was also given a dream that I’m in the role of saving the world. The one way in a word, is fairness. There is only one way, and the way is fairness. We could add any number of words […]


Would Jesus be an Atheist if He returned Today?

There may not ever have been a Jesus. Myths may be useful in that they represent actual things or qualities.


A proposal for 1 day strike for fairness

We want a 1 day general strike to demand a fairness law be put into effect immediately. Everyone has the right to fairness. We want fairness for everyone and from everyone.  If you are interested in supporting this idea? Send an email to [email protected]  subject: 1 day strike for fairness  Message saying I support a […]


Finally, The Laughing Stock is a Laughing Stock

Apparently, there is no intelligent creator. Apparently, we evolved from mindlessness. The essence of pots is clay story is about that which cannot be seen or heard or known is the essence of all. All clay pots have clay as their essence. All things have as their essence, that which cannot be seen or heard […]


I Teach a Radically Different Spirituality

I am not the only one unless I am the only one. Correct me if I am wrong. Those with power over earth life may want me to be the only one. It is not up to us. They are more powerful than us.


There is No Mercy Until They Are Fair to Us.

We already agree to be fair to you. We just want everyone to be fair to everyone.


Freedom from Hate and Anger. Your Secrets Are Safe.

Don’t hate people because of what they did in the past. Get free of the hellish emotions of hate and anger. Join us. We are The Way of The people that did us wrong – that are enemies to some degree – can be changed into friends that serve us. When you join us, […]


This is an Instruction on How to Get Even with People That Do You Wrong.

This is an instruction on how to deal with situations where people do you wrong. If you were to become angry there would still be nothing you can do about it. The people doing you wrong think they have power over you. They want you to surrender to them. They will surrender to us instead. […]


The economy after The World Fairness Agreement

The economy after The World fairness Agreement We have the idea of net worth.  It is assets and liabilities.  A thought experiment Inflation in a world where everyone had a very large net worth. People would only purchase things that are helpful to the future and nothing that is harmful. Low demand would end inflation. […]


Politicians are responsible to write laws that establish justice for all.

Fairness 101: A required course Politicians are responsible to write laws that establish justice for all. They are not doing their job. We the people are also responsible to be fair to others and to stop injustice also. All of us are responsible for the injustice in our world. We are not doing our job […]