
Edit – Trump Was Right and We Need to Talk About God’s Will.

This is a correction edit. Trump said on an interview on Glenn Beck’s program that we need to be in a room and tell them “things they do not want to hear.” This I agree with, and we need to use the 1-minute method when we tell them. Then we need to listen to the […]


USA is Incapable of Justice

Why is the USA unable to prosecute crimes of the wealthy? I feel frustration even approaching this question? Most people would not even want to think about it. If we ignore it, maybe it will go away. Sadly, the reality is that it will most likely get worse unless something is done.  Are the people […]


Future of Dreadful Unspeakable Suffering Unless

Sorry about what happened. Complexity is destroying us by distracting us from what will work. What if there will be a future of dreadful unspeakable suffering unless the people of planet earth support my idea of the World Fairness Agreement? What if my idea of justice being fairness for all and fairness from all is […]