
Victory – Unity is Happening

I think the other minds/spirits that were opposing me have stopped.  If it is true this is monumental in my life. It has been going on for years, many years. It began when doors in my mind opened to the reality of these others we can hear telepathically. The spirit world was there all along. […]


Glenn Beck Claims Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world.

This was a good reason to research it and also corruption in Glenns Church. What kind of logic is he using? If Ukraine is corrupt, we should assist everyone to end corruption, but then his Church and his Nation would be in danger of being found out too. What evil secrets are being hidden from […]


They Think Lies Are Good

 Many people think it’s a good idea to lie. They think it’s good to tell children Santa Claus is real. They think it’s good to tell people that when we die we’ll be in heaven and will all be together again. They think it’s good to lie to the children about what happened to the […]


Podcast – Trump on Glenn Beck – WTF Trumps Comment About Baseball Bat to the Head of Beck?

Trump speaks about crime, “beginning whacked from behind your head with baseball bat”


God’s Will Has 3 Parts

If there is an all-knowing all-powerful God, this is what makes sense for God to want for our little planet where we all live. If not, it is the divine mind’s will or the will of our most relational helpful unselfish higher self.


What We Did Does Not Matter – A way Out of Ground Hog Day

The past is irrelevant. We cannot change the past. We can either fight against it or we can accept it. Right now, in the present moment, we can change our thinking. This is the key to creating a better future. What follows is some techniques on how I change my thoughts in the present moment.  […]


Podcast – Same Thing Over and Over – Find the Buddha in the Market Place


Who can say what God’s will is? Who has the authority? I can. I do.

God’s will is fairness for all and fairness from all. God’s will is peace on Earth. God’s will is this website to end all war. God’s will is for me to declare war on all that are unfair.


The 1 With All Power. I Make Posts to Stop Telepathic Abuse.

To keep a quiet mind I make posts about the disturbances that happen within my mind. I can overrule the things that are claimed. There is an actual fact to things that are claimed. I win because I surrender to the actual facts.  I often hear that Jesus is angry. I hear this telepathically. I […]


 God’s Will is Peace on Earth.

God’s will is peace on Earth. Peace means freedom from disturbance – tranquility. We create peace with the one-minute method. God’s will is fairness for all and fairness from all.