
Marjorie Taylor Greene Reeks of Evil

Marjorie Taylor Greens Blames USA for the war upon Ukraine. In a podcast I explained that Marxism happened because of unfair Christianity. It wants to take over the world. Communism happened because of Marxism. Putin is trying to stop right wing Christianity from taking over Russia someday. Marjorie Taylor Greene is the loudmouth for right […]


The Remote Control Fight

The Remote Control Fight There is going to be a bomb. Instead they could join us to end all war. There is a way to resolve this in a good way. I use my new found method to stay surrendered and out of the way while the All powerful all disciplines those that do me wrong. […]


They Cut Me Out

I won the race. They cut me out and gave the blue first place ribbon to someone else. I am watching The All-powerful all teach them a lesson for that.


The lesson humanity needs to learn

We keep getting the same lesson over and over again until we learn it. I think I’m past other people hurting me. I enjoy it because I can’t wait to imagine the lesson that they’re going to learn. They’re not going to like it and I will. Is this the lesson that all humanity needs […]


Child With Broken Toy Story

There is a young child that has a favorite toy. This is a toy that cannot be replaced. His toy is broken. He dropped it and it broke. This child would never let anyone else have his toy. There is a man that can fix his toy better than new. He explains to the young […]


No God Trancends the All-powerful All.

The Loophole of the Transcendent is no longer beyond reproach. Jordan Peterson uses this loophole as do most apologists. It is something beyond so it cannot be criticized. That is very unfair. We need to criticize the transcendent god idea. The transcendent is not beyond the all-powerful all. Nothing is outside of everything. Nothing transcends […]


I Dreamed Glenn Beck Asked Me For Help

I don’t have any issues with others anymore. Our devotion to the all-powerful all is healing me. I am grateful to the all-powerful all. All of you are an aspect of the all-powerful all. Everything is one.


The Way of Victory – Victory Prayer

The Way of victory. Welcome!  Atheist or not atheist is irrelevant. You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours. URL  Copy, paste, share  Atheist […]


Flyer to end all war.

To End All War – Our Website URL – Sorry about what happened. Complexity is destroying us by distracting us from what will work. What if there will be a future of dreadful unspeakable suffering unless the people of planet earth support my idea of the World Fairness Agreement? What if my idea of […]


Connecting the dots of spiritual warfare of Christianity against evil

Connecting the dots of spiritual warfare of Christianity against Who – Against what – against evil is their claim. Mathew 28:18 “Then Jesus came and told them All power and all authority has been given me. I have been in a spiritual war against them because of the harmful scriptures and unfairness of world domination. […]