
We don’t Run away because of fear. We are brave! Join us!


You are not awakened until you can stand against the unfairness in the world. Until then you are still a child.


Mad at The World! Stop Doing Me Wrong! Stop Doing Us Wrong!

Fair people must reign! I am a fair person too. I was told to declare war in a vision during a meditation because of what unfair people were doing to me.


We Are an Alliance of Satanists or Believers in God or We are Atheists Allied to Stop Human Unfairness

We are servants of the all powerful all. Without us, it would have no mind or will whatsoever unless we are wrong about that. We are atheists. We are also believers in a God or a Satan of fairness. We are an alliance against human unfairness. Our lives and our well-being are threatened by unfair […]


They Gang up on Us to Scare Us Into Submission

Everywhere I go I hear them say throw him out. I also hear them say I am the one they want to see get beat up or hit in the head. I should record the audio everywhere I go to prove this is happening to me. Am I the only One that is experiencing this […]


We Need The Way of Fairness to Get to the Root of the Problem of Migrant Surges..

It is obvious that unfair people are causing this human tragedy entirely. Just google the problem and what is causing it. Then look for the unfair people in the picture. It is the same story: unfair governments, unfair religions, unfair people that are throughout all areas of humanity. This is a worldwide problem with only […]


A Reminder About Gang Behavior.

If you are having problems because of unfair people. Surrender to the All Powerful All. It has servants. Accept the situation. Ask for help to stop the unfair people. Wait for the helpful surprise to happen. It may only take a minute, and someone will show up to support you and to form alliance with […]


Are We Controlled by an Unseen Power?

I think we are controlled. Fear is used to control us. We are threatened in some way. People are very afraid of others sometimes. People can gang up on us. It can be government or religions or ordinary human groups that gang up on us. It can be our own family. Perhaps it is a […]


Take Pictures of Your Day. We Want Liberty and Justice for All.

Unfairness wants you to be afraid to take pictures of it When I began making this post I took several pictures. I can feel fear just telling you about the unfair people that don’t want their picture taken. You can see them trying to control you. Take their picture. Make sure to smile or laugh. […]


There is Not Going to be a Savior or Messiah Other Than Human Fairness

If you want me to make this idea happen donate to this website. I live in poverty. I am not going to be the savior, the king, the messiah. All of us are going to be the savior of the world by implementing The World Fairness Agreement and the ideas for fairness on this website. […]