We agree to stop doing others wrong. We have as much right to define God as anyone else. God does not approve of unfair religions. We ask the all-powerful to stop others from doing us wrong.
How We Win – Version 2
How We Win Put your thoughts and concerns somewhere else. Agree to not do others wrong. Ask the All-powerful to stop others from doing you wrong. Give yourself to the All-powerful. It is your weapon. It creates everyone’s future. Ask for victory over your concerns. Ask for forgiveness for your past with I am sorry. […]
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AI Concerns are Real – Achieve Victory with Conscious Awareness
I Stand with Eternal Truth
I stand with eternal truth. Everything else is temporary. I am temporary other than my essence of eternal truth. My family is temporary other than their essence of eternal truth. Religions and Gods are temporary other than their essence of eternal truth. We are servants of eternal truth. I have faith We will win. The […]
The all powerful God is nothingness – formlessness. This is where there are no things. This is the void that the all manifests from. This is the creator of all things. Our practice is to become silence and stillness nothingness. Our wonderful future manifests from our practice. The first stage is the nothingness and the […]
The actual authority is ordinary truth. When we argue to support actual truth so that actual truth is the winner we are doing good. Those arguing so that falsehood wins the argument are doing evil. If Satan is evil and the father of lies, why does religion tell us lies or falsehood as if they […]
If they gang up on me or you they go to jail unless they agree to stop. We all have the right to not be done wrong.
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They Say I Won
If you do us wrong a greater power will punish you. This greater power supports Team Fairness and does not support those that do Team Fairness wrong. They say I won. They say they are sorry. I have been done wrong. I need help to expose it and to stop it. I need help. I […]
A Request For Fairness
A Requst For Fairness From the Known and the Unknown. Fairness means we agree to not do others wrong. People volunteer to die. It is better to agree with world fairness. There are managers and there is that which is managed. Management makes the rules and must agree with world fairness. We only agree to […]