
Love and Light

People that are love and light are never unfair to others. Doing others wrong is not love and light.


If You Are Fair, You Win. If You Are Unfair, You Lose. Unite Against Unfairness!

Most people – if not almost all people – agree that fair people should win and unfair people should lose. There are 1000s of issues that we could talk about that are going on worldwide. In all of these issues there is the ideology of fairness ruling over and defeating unfairness at the root of […]


The All-powerful All threatens unfair people and protects fair people


Fair people win. Unfair people lose.

Fair people don’t need mercy from unfair people. Unfair people need mercy from fair people.


If There is a Christ or A God almighty or an Allah or a Satan, It is Me – Us.

You can make the same claim. Their little individual God is tiny. We are the All Powerful All. The one with all authority. We are truth. We are the way. If your God or group or power is not from joining with us, then your God is not big enough.


There is a Hidden World of Secrecy. Fairness is the All Powerful All. You Will Be Protected from Unfairness.

There is a hidden world of secrecy. Secrecy should protect fairness. Fairness is good. There is a problem when secrecy’s purpose is protection of unfairness. Unfairness is evil. The one they call the Lord or God is evil. Evil is unfairness. He hurts people that are fair and protects people that are unfair. Fair people […]


If You Are Fair, You Win! If You Are Unfair, You Lose!

I watch those that attempt to win by being unfair. They become increasingly visible to us. It really is pathetic to hear their lies and threats. There is no God big enough to enable unfair people to win.


I Will Be as I Am

Even if the most terrible thing happens to me and everyone else. I must be as I am. I am not going to be how someone else wants me to be. I am okay with how I am. I do not care how others are? Just be you. Christ said in Thomas I think, “If […]



There is awareness without me being aware. The world happens with there being a world that exists. If everything happened from nothing. It is still nothing. It is nothing in this form. The essence of all is what cannot be seen and cannot be heard and cannot be known. Our essence is this. The experience […]


If Someone Does us Wrong or Tries to Control us a powerful Being Will Punish Them.

Everyone must be fair to everyone. The controllers want to control your mind. They tell you that something will happen to you if you don’t listen to what they’re saying. They can’t do anything. They’re just a sandcastle but the wave turns them into the beach. We are the beach and the ocean and the […]