Wake Up You are asleep at the wheel. You must realize what I am telling you here is true. Someone with a crazy unfair God belief is going to kill you or take over your country – making you bow to their God cult. Other people with other Dangerous ideas from their God cult will […]
Everyone that agrees to practice the way of fairness is forgiven, granted mercy, absolved and exonerated.
There is No God
I have more faith. Fairness must rule all. I am a faith-based atheist. There is no God. The Way of Fairness is winning.
People Need Help Badly from Wars and Disasters The Way of Fairness is the only systemic solution to rid us of the systemic problem of worldwide cultural unfairness. It is our homes. It is in our religions. It is in our governments. Sadly, it is in ourselves. It is necessary that we all join together […]
The Way of Fairness is This
The Way of Fairness is this: we agree to not do you wrong, do not do us wrong or agents of the all-powerful will punish you. We are here to protect you from unfairness. We invite you to join us.
The Way of Fairness is a new religion that will bring about the course of action and thought that will enable the people to create a wonderful future.
2. We agree to get help to stop others from doing us wrong. 3. We agree that it is fair to require that unfair people get punished, unless they do these 4 steps. 4. We agree with the “The Law of Fairness Agreement” that is on thewayoffairness.com and its world transition to fairness plan.
I Have a Dream
I have a dream that evil will be defeated with The Way of Fairness. Our lives will be wonderful, and the world will make sense.