The network of unfair/evil/ falsehood is telling John to let it go because I made a comment about Glenn Beck’s hypocrisy on his video. I am hoping John refuses to let it go and instead gives the problem to the power of fairness like I am doing. In the meantime, I am using violent thoughts […]
An Invitation to Rule the World
Competition and domination with a winner takes all mentality leads to great destruction from warfare. The World Fairness Agreement mentality is possibly the only way to stop the ongoing endless destructive way of the status quo. Here is a way to unite and stop the insanity of evil/unfairness. We – The Way of Fairness – […]
Good World Neibers
It is not good fences that make good neighbors, it is the “The World Fairness Agreement” that makes good neighbors.
I’ve always felt like someone or everyone can read my mind or something. I had evidence that they can’t read my mind. That’s why I say, or something. In other words, there’s something going on here that I don’t understand. I was told that there is a God that’s all knowing, so therefore he would […]
Those that use the power of evil for their protection are fated to eternal hell until they stop doing me wrong.
If you want me to save you, you must agree to The World Fairness Agreement.
My Way is Possibly Helpful.
My way is possibly helpful. I was told to declare war by a servant of the all-powerful oneness. If you are unfair to me and mine your fate will be eternal hell until you stop doing us wrong. Everyone is invited to join us. We are protected.
I gave myself to higher power and higher power told me to declare war. I do what I am directed to do. My mind is my only weapon. I am physically nonviolent. Join The Way of Fairness for forgiveness.
You Have a Voice.
The source of all ethics is fairness. The source of all immorality is unfairness. There is only one source. Fairness is subjective. It is by agreement. You have a voice.
The Unfair Aliens Are Leaving
I understand that the aliens that have been here interacting with humans are leaving. They have been trying to stay covered from the light of day so to speak. Many of us humans are on to them. They have been grossly unfair to the humans that refuse to surrender to them or to others that […]