The First Question The first question in philosophy and cosmology is why is there anything? Why does anything exist? I have simplified this to the idea that there actually is nothing at all. There is not anything. Then the question becomes: why can nothing at all appear as this existence? How does it do it? […]
On: Spiritual Connection, Guidance and Protection We have many wonderful myths, religions, philosophies and teachings from all around the world. You might benefit from learning more of them to some degree and if you feel intuitively guided to something that will be great. The result is a profound sense of wellbeing and joy. Then the […]
select the title to open the full document Introduction Before we had boats that could cross the ocean there was no way to get a message to the other people on the planet that were across the ocean. Today we can get a message to everyone on the planet – with few exceptions – within […]
There are losers and then there are sore losers. Don’t get mad but unfair people lost. People can become angry for various reasons. The breakdown of anger is about who is doing wrong. If we stop someone from doing us wrong and they become angry we do not mind. Their anger will only harm them. […]
What Appears to Be Nothing is Actually Everything. Sometimes all that is created is demonic. All forms are evil. Do not interact with it. Want nothing. That which is not anything at all is what everything is. Have faith in nothing. Have faith in the motionless, the voiceless – zero. Have faith in nothing. Then […]
Are You Being Done Wrong?
If someone is doing you wrong and they won’t stop then what will you do? Perhaps you talk about it with someone in an effort to learn how to stop them. This results in the person doing you wrong finding ways to silence you. Sometimes people are very evil to us. They join an alliance […]
We do not want to be murdered by a dictator. Trump is increasingly loopy. He is extremely dangerous to fairness. He is insane. He leads troops of loopy gang stalkers that bully, harass, threaten, taunt and torment. These people with Trump are insane, deranged and depraved. They plan on getting away with murder. This is […]
I am in agreement that we all count the same if we are fair people and if we are unfair people, we deserve punishment. This means that all fair people are all powerful by our choice to be. This is why I define myself as a faith-based atheist. This means our intention is to defeat […]
Unjust justice or unfair justice is not actually justice. It’s unfairness. Those being unfair to us are doing it right now. They are unfair to us, and we are not unfair to them. They are getting away with it. They are getting away with harming us. We can stop them right now. I am hurting […]
To Defeat Trump and His Tyranny, Here’s The Way We need power. We need authority. We need unity of purpose. We can move our authoritarian enemy out of the way and peacefully convince them we are the winning side. The World Fairness Agreement is on This is the way of power.