My Jesus is Satan. She is an atheist. I am a faith based atheist. I am sending universal love, truth and fairness to all. Join
Select the title to open the post. The world is not the problem, People are. I hear people say we live in a crazy world. I say it is the people, not the world. How can the world be crazy? So it is the people that are crazy. Why are they crazy? How is it […]
My Jesus is an Atheist
Jesus existing means there is a God that has something to do with the bible. I did not want Jesus to be a real being. I am against the unfair scriptures in the bible. I just came up with a new concept for Jesus. Jesus is an atheist like myself. Problem solved. My Jesus is […]
Universal Love and Protection
I shared my universal love all over the world with those that are with me. I sabotaged the souls of those that are unfair to me. They are filled with unbearable hate and anger.
Narcissists and Gang Stalkers Want You to Give Up to Them They want to take over. They want to have control of you. They sometimes have many supporters/servants that assist them in taking control of you. They might also have a religion or spiritual belief that they use to take control of you. With this […]
Hello, My name is Steven Childs. Understanding truth is a spiritual experience. Scientific revelation is a spiritual experience. Truth is not divided into spiritual truth and scientific truth. Truth is one. Truth is always unified and not against itself. It is only our belief that false is true that causes division and disagreement. If we […]
This is How Fairness Court Works
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The world is divided into 2 teams. Team fairness and team unfairness. Team Fairness always wins.