A Way to Save Ourselves. The all is all powerful. Why is this true? It takes two to Tango. There is usually fault on both sides. At first, we often realize we were not quite right with our simple conclusion about the problem. Then we begin to look at both sides and then there are […]
Get Rid of Ego’s I Am
Get Rid of Ego’s I Am True or higher type of awakening is not about some kind of magical way to get what we want by trying to believe that we create our own reality as if we are a God of creation. That position has already been filled. There is only one. It is […]
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Join us. We are The Way of fairness. Share this message everywhere. Copy and paste www.thewayoffairness.com YouTube “The Way of Fairness” Use quotation marks in search box
Cults, Gangs, Support Groups, Religions I think from observation that people need a different support group when they leave a cult or a gang. Your invited to join us. They may need protection from the cult or gang. Humans are social animals. I argue that humans are the most dangerous animal on earth. When people […]
We Called it a Draw
We Called it a Draw My fight with their Lord is over. We called it a draw. Now we all are the same and we all serve the all powerful all. Join us. We are The Way of fairness. Share this message everywhere. Copy and paste www.thewayoffairness.com YouTube “The Way of Fairness” Use quotation marks in […]
Are All Gods Imaginary
Are All Gods Imaginary I argue there is only one God that is actually real. It is very simply that which is. It is the objective reality that physically exists, and it is also the minds reality that also exists as the collective minds of the physical reality. There can be a metaphorical God that […]
All the Same
All the Same No one wants to be treated poorly. No one wants to be less than someone else. None of us want to have someone put us down. All that is in one unified indivisible whole. All the parts of the whole are equally aspects of it. God is what we are but no […]