
Victory For Your Own Self. 

Victory to our own self.  (Read and study this every day until it sets you free from bondage of ego. Ego is greed. Ego is fear. Ego is hatred. Ego is false pride) There are 2 apparently distinct aspects of our experience. There is our own self and there is everything else. Non dualism perceives […]


Podcast: Aliens Extraterrestrial Communication


Truth people versus Lie people:

Truth people versus Lie people: Truth goes with fairness because if truth be known then the people will want fairness from everyone including themselves because truth is known about their individual unfairness to others. Truth and fairness goes with peace and love  Lie people claim their lie is truth and they claim the truth of […]


The Unimaginable Truth

The “Alien Controllers” are trying to defeat those of us that rebel against them. It has become a battle in the paranormal range of experience. Parallel worlds can happen. People can change appearance. Their bodies can be changed. This may be all hallucination rather than actual But it could become actual. It has become a […]


Dangerous Republican Lunatics

People that refuse to believe truth from evidence fight against me. They are trying to defeat me.  They believe falsehood from faith and hearsay with no evidence. They believe white nationalistic conspiracy theories. Why? I was told to declare war in a dream. My intention is to totally defeat them all. I want them to […]


Keep Fair Agreements

If Satan is your lord, then do not attack Satan. It is stupid to use Satan for help one day and then try to harm Satan the next. I love Satan because Satan has captured my enemies and turned them into my friends. If Jesus or Allah or whoever is your Lord, then keep your […]


Principles of The Way of Fairness

Welcome!  You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours. If you have a topic of unfairness that you would like me to talk about, send […]


Heaven and Hell Are the Same Thing

Heaven and Hell are the same spectrum of punishment or reward. Fairness is the only criteria that determines how much reward we receive. If you are in Heaven or Hell or neither it is all the same all powerful all. If you are unfair, you will be punished. Fair beings punish unfair beings. Fair beings […]


Satan Must Be Fair

Be fair to us or be punished by us. Satan is with us. Satan is being fair to everyone. No more sacrifices. Let’s have this conversation. Everyone is required to be fair to everyone. We want everyone everywhere to join us to create actual justice for all. The Law of the land is still unfair. […]


No Individual – No God, Devil or Lord is above us. We Are All

No One – No God, Devil or Lord is above us. We will punish them if they try to dominate any of us that are surrendered to the All Powerful All. Many of us are atheists. I am an atheist. We are all equals ruled by the all powerful all and the law of the […]