
This Website is the Savior

We will not help those that are unfair to us. This is the truth. The all-powerful agrees with these words. If they can make claim, so can we.


Thanks For the Comments

All comments have helped me become clear on what to say so.


There is No Greater Power Than us

We are a greater Power They have been trying to rule over us. They have been unfair to us. We will hurt them. Those that are unfair to us will be punished by us. They are less powerful than us. Those that agree to be fair to us are our equal.  Those of us that […]


Podcast 2…I Had Precognition of the Airplane Crash


Podcast Explaining Post Named – Unfair Rules Want to Take Us Over


Tell Us What to Do – FU and YouTube Video of Body Count

No one is the boss or ruler telling us what to do in our private lives. Only the rule of law rules our private lives and protects us from injustice. Well, it is failing to do that, but we want it to. Do you understand that we also are not the ruler of others, and […]


The Only Way to Be Free

Unfair Rulers Want to Take Us Over The only way to stay free or to get free in an unshakable, undefeatable and permanent way is to convince all humans to agree to be fair to all humans.  There is a division in the world between the free world and those that are not free. People […]


Don’t Be Deceived by Unfair People blog post and Chris Hedges with Ralph Nadir YouTube Video

The other unknown mind is trying to get me to believe all kinds of things I don’t believe. If people don’t unite with TheFairness Agreement, they deserve to suffer from the unfairness of other lesser minds. Let the old way stay as is until it joins us. The World Fairness Agreement is the only idea […]


Podcast…Asking ET for Help, PSI Mind Power of Ingo Swann


The Truth is Humans Hurt Each Other

Truth is what things are. A rock is truth. A cloud is truth. People are truth. Dogs and cats are truth. Babies are truth. The sun is truth. Light is truth and dark is truth. Philosophers cannot understand this because they use too many words. I have the idea that books are not going to […]