
Power of Intention edit 1

I became aware of the power of intention. Our minds are connected. Imagine that we all know what everyone’s thinking and what they are trying to achieve. Some of the people intend on defeating me and not being fair. I intend on stopping them from being unfair. Who will win this battle of intention? The […]


The Law Can Do What It Wants

Unfair people are trying to take control of governments that are more fair than the people. People say they can do what they want. The people in the governments can do what they want also. We are ruled by law. The Law can do what it wants. 


ET Fairness Contract

I want ET to require humans to agree to the “World Fairness Agreement.” I want it to be a contract with them. I want punishment to happen to everyone that won’t agree to be fair to everyone. I want those that refuse to agree to be fair to everyone to lose their freedom.  I want […]


Podcast part 1 ET Has Been Telling Me I am a World Savior

It is this website that does the saving. My part was to create it. This podcast is the first of 2. Science and people interested have been looking for extraterrestrials using telescopes and cameras. But ET is within us already waiting to contact you when you’re ready. They have been looking in the wrong direction. […]


Vengeance is a Dish Best Served Cold

When you do someone wrong you lower yourself below them. You are providing them the power for them to defeat you. Vengeance is a dish best served cold. When you least expect it, expect it. More on this in the post “How The Mind of Evil Operates – edit 1


Extraterrestrials via Dreams and Telepathy, tell me that I will Be the one to Save the World

This is all according to the extraterrestrials that have been with us from the beginning. I don’t actually know if it is true. I suppose the powers that be will let us know if it is true. If it is true, it will be this website that saves us from ourselves. In this post I […]


Share This

Truth is what things are. A rock is truth. A cloud is truth. People are truth. Dogs and cats are truth. Babies are truth. The sun is truth. Light is truth and dark is truth. Philosophers cannot understand this because they use too many words. I have the idea that books are not going to […]


Make Our Website a Worldwide Movement to Stop Unfairness

Share this link The Truth is Humans Hurt Each Other – The Way of World Fairness Agreement “Select Here to Return to Top” Share with others on Social Media and Email a link to others.


How The Mind of Evil Operates – edit 1

I’m going to explain how the mind of evil operates. I will call it the scheme of evil. It is telepathically telling me things wherever I go. It will tell me as – if it is a person nearby that I am the one that stole your coat. Well. The origination of that was, I […]


I know Others Defeat Unfairness Also

I explain from my personal perspective at times as if I am the only one fighting evil – unfairness. I am deeply thankful to those of you that also fight against the evil – unfairness. Those of you that don’t are indebted to us. You have done us wrong. You need start helping us. You […]