
What is The Way of Fairness?

What is the Way of Fairness? The way of fairness is a group of People that have had the way of fairness realization. We have realized that unfairness is the root cause of all human problems. No one wants to be done wrong. We agree to stop doing others wrong to qualify for help from […]


Let’s Agree to Stop Injustice/Unfairness

First and foremost, we must unify everyone against all human unfairness. Our system needs to be fixed so it supports us in this. I have some ideas here that we can use to change the system. However, there may be better ways of ending the injustice that is systemic in all the people. It is […]


When Someone Does us Wrong, what stops them

When someone does us wrong, we ask for something to teach them a lesson. We give our problem to something bigger than us. What is it that teaches them a lesson? It is something that can’t be seen, it can’t be heard, and it can’t be known. This works. We don’t get angry. We don’t […]


Only the menu and the sticky posts are The Way of Fairness.

All the other posts and podcasts etc. are informational only and they were my process in defining the Way of Fairness for the world. I am still working on the Fairness/Justice System post that will be primary and the current laws will be secondary to it. We will need a world vote or equivalence to […]


What or Who Does The Punishment?

 When someone does us wrong we ask for something to teach them a lesson. What is it that teaches them a lesson? It is something that can’t be seen, it can’t be heard and it can’t be known.


Corruption is the Cause of Insurrection and War

Our Judicial system is corrupt. Our world is corrupt. This is why MAGA wants Trump to completely take over and acquire all power. This is why I am not totally against Trump. I just wish they were doing it with truth and fairness. We live in a world of deception and lies from our government, […]


The injustice of our Justice system: when the due process is doo doo it is a bunch of shit.


The Evil Ones Within Our Minds

Last night I met with some people for a common purpose, but these evil ones were there hidden in our minds. Many of the people have become puppets to the evil puppet masters within. They Communicate telepathically to me and they threaten, shame, humiliate, degrade and attempt to defeat me. They told me I was […]


Buckwheat is Gone

In the dreams I was shown some impostors of myself. One is called Buckwheat. I would get angry when people called me that name. The evil people would take credit for being me. They had access to my mind and thoughts. They claim to have authority over me. They are unfair uncaring and very evil. […]


edit #6 – By Decree of the King of the Universe – Real or Imagined

The Key to Our Success is to help everyone not just someone. By Decree of the King of the Universe, everyone that is unfair will be punished until they agree to be fair to everyone. If they agree to be fair, they are not prosecuted or punished. They are forgiven and honored and protected from […]