
We Alone – Poem of the Past

We Alone The others are not helping much. Most do harm. They have betrayed us. They are in the manifested world of the past.  We listen to the silence. We use non-existence. The powerful ones are there. We are with them in silent non-action. Nothing needs to be done.  The people of the past do […]


Confrontation of pure evil

I was not sleeping. Some evil jester shows up tells me how it is invincible. I think it over a few seconds and let it know that it is a laughingstock. I say can’t you do better than that. That was pathetic. It was just a joke. This is added because I noticed that it […]


Podcast – Telepathy with False Gods


Fairness is Rewarded. Unfairness is Punished. Be Fair and Don’t Give Up.

If you’re unfair then give up. If you’re fair then don’t give up.


We have a Victorious belief system to stop the unfairness of current religions and governments.

We have a Victorious belief system to stop the unfairness of current religions and governments. Unfairness must be defeated. We do this by surrendering to the fairness of the All-Powerful All. Our fairness alliance is more powerful than their unfairness alliance. Fair people must rule. We do not need to let unfairness rule us. It […]


Religions Don’t Have an All-Powerful God.

Recently, there is a great deal of rejection toward Christianity. In fact the rejection is toward religions in general because of the negativity in the scriptures. The negative scriptures cause a great deal of trouble in the world. The idea that these religions have a God with all power is being rejected. Agree to be […]


Maybe it is God’s will that Trump, MAGA and Christianity get defeated.

Maybe it is God’s will that Trump, MAGA and Christianity get defeated. I am surrendered to the all-powerful all even if God gets defeated too.


The Way of Happiness. Unfairness Gets Taught a Lesson.

The Way of Happiness. Unfairness gets Taught a Lesson If we stop doing wrong to others, we qualify for help to stop others from doing wrong to us. We do not need to fight them because it will be done for us. We only need to give ourselves in devotion and gratitude to the fairness […]


God’s Will – Possibly

A Possible God’s Will If there is a God that has will and that has all power, perhaps the possible God’s will is that Trump goes to Prison and The lying Gop is utterly defeated. Perhaps it is the possible God’s will that the unfair scriptures are rejected by people worldly wide.   Hitler and the […]


Spiritual Awakening and Happiness

Experience Happiness with Karmic Universal Fairness A Practical Down to Earth Purposeful Spiritual Awakening. Karma is simply cause and effect. Practicing this method results in Universal consciousness, happiness, your life’s purpose happening, freedom from self-caused suffering and it results in experiencing and realizing supreme truth. Practicing this method is the cause of happy future events. Without […]