
Their God does not Exist to us.

Their God does not Exist to us. We are not ruled by the various Gods that religions claim to exist. We dispute that claim. There is a reason their claim must be disputed. Their scriptures say that we should be killed. Their scriptures tell them to despise us and defeat us.  Also they are attempting […]


Extraterrestrials and Human Precognition

They appear to us as human unless they want to appear as something else. They want to feel familiar to us. They explained to me with telepathy and dreams about them that they are not human, and they are extraterrestrials. They give me dreams, thousands of dreams. An example is I remembered a dream image […]


The 1 Minute Method of Arguments

This is helpful in any controversial conversation. Here is a way that works. Get them to agree to argue for 1 minute and then it’s your turn for 1 minute and so forth. There will be absolutely no interruptions. If they won’t agree, then the conversation is over and also your support of them is […]


YouTube Video There is an Elephant of Unfairness in Your Room


Amma, Rupert Sheldrake and Eckhart Tolle. Theism will not Stop Our Suffering


Frivolous Appeals and Unfairness in the Justice System

Frivolous Appeals and Unfairness is the Justice System  Frivolous appeals are part of a system that exhibits a lack of fairness. This inept and corrupt system must help us bring about the World Fairness Agreement. Like I said before they need to put the law books aside and have a separate judgment based on the […]


God’s Chosen People

God’s Chosen People Before I begin. I am here to help everyone, not just some people. Also there is an old saying I learned as a child. Two wrongs do not make a right. How do we determine if something is right or wrong? Some say God tells us and that is final. No more […]


Where has Goodness Gone? Shiva is us. Jai Jai Ma. ET is Here

Destruction of Goodness We are depressed, we are saddened, we are somewhat powerless. Goodness is being destroyed. We are doing it ourselves. Many species are dying out. If you the reader do not feel bad about what I am talking about then stop reading and go buy some gasoline. I am not here for you. […]


Podcast 12.25.22…A Hodgepodge of Realizations Leading to Fairness


From Aliens, Extraterrestrials and/or My Friendly Ghost

ET and/or the friendly ghost told me to make the World Fairness Agreement etc. a Religion ASP. It will be faster and more simple than a nonprofit organization.  I will make my website and religion as big as possible, just to see how many people I can reach.