
There are no Gods. Serve Fairness Over All.


Despicable Lies About Authentic History

Humanity gets an F when it comes to fairness. I believe we are slated for destruction. I pressed button “A” long ago. (from a dream) We must become fair to each other or else we will destroy ourselves. They say the victor writes the history. Therefore, when fairness wins, we will correct the history books. […]


What if there are some aliens that can communicate with humans telepathically?

What if there are some aliens that can communicate with humans telepathically? They can do this instantaneously. It’s faster than the speed of light. We don’t know how far away they are. Perhaps they can’t even get here physically.  What if they rule Earth in this way? For example, they tell me to go to […]


These Are Just Thoughts I Do Not Believe.

These are just thoughts. I do not believe. It is fiction. You already know the truth about me from the other posts. I Am God Almighty Bad Guy Over All. I am the most evil, cruel being in the universe and everyone must surrender to me or die. I created everything myself. I can lie […]


You are unfair if you are not against unfairness. There is no neutrality.


Select title of this first post. Scroll to the bottom and select red arrow to easily get to the next post. You Can read them in order like a book.


Let’s Stop World War 3

Humans need privacy and secrets. We agree to be fair to each other. We agree to protect each other’s secrets. People that have not agreed to fairness do not have the right to secrets so agree to be fair to everyone. Also, everyone that agrees is let off from past crimes. We are forgiven. In […]


Judas is Gone. No More Lies

Judas is gone. We won’t get mercy until we are fair to each other. I won my war unless it’s still on. We must surrender to being fair to each other. Then we get mercy. When we are lied to it is not fair. There will be punishment for lying to others. 


All the Drama of Life is Irrelevant. Being Fair is What Matters. 

Stay surrendered to fairness. Let the chips fall where they may. Others, more powerful than ourselves, are fighting the fight for fairness for us. All the drama of life is irrelevant.   I believe fairness will save us. Fairness is not a person or God. Fairness is a choice. I believe the future is already determined […]


You Tube – My Name is Steven Childs

Most people are neutral about unfairness or evil. They benefit from their neutrality. It is only those of us that take a position against unfairness that get attacked by it. Unfairness is truly evil. If you join us and take a stand against unfairness/evil you will quickly understand what you/we are up against. Most people […]