
Can World Fairness Happen?

I think we must unite the world of non-leadership people before we approach religions and governments with our ideas. Success is going to be from a grassroots movement that has already united the people. So far, my website is not going viral like it needs to.


Our Present System of Justice and Economics is Failing

Our Present System of Justice and economics is Lacking – Even if it worked it would not work. Imagine that with our new technologies – AI and Cameras – we could prosecute and convict all law breakers and corporations create massive amounts of wealth. Would we want to do it – of course not. There […]


We Found a Way – to Stop Everyone from Doing You Wrong – from fighting against you – to End the Wars and Corruption – to Reform all Religions and Governments

This philosophy is designed to be the bases of all philosophy, religions and governments. We achieve a word agreement that everyone wants. We need to do this ASP. If we don’t dreadful consequences will continue. This is the reason for the Way of Fairness. By achieving worldwide agreement that everyone deserves fairness from everyone. Being […]


Good versus Evil = Fairness versus Unfairness

Morality = fairness and immorality = unfairness. These ideas simplify, correct, clarify and unite previous ideologies.


Fact Based – Atheists, Satanists and Godists United with One All Powerful All as Creator

People argue that because we exist it means that there is a creator that created us. Atheists argue that it has no mind or will while believers in God i.e. Godists, claim that it does have mind and will. This disagreement does not have to present us with any difficulties. We can all agree on […]


The Time to Unite the World is Here

We the humans of planet Earth are now poised to unite to stand against human unfairness on a worldwide basis. We have AI and Smart Phones now. Religions can now be updated and persuaded to choose honesty over what has become a deception. We simply cannot believe their claims any longer. We want a teaching […]


We All Suffer if we Don’t Make the World Human Fairness Agreement happen


We Need World Agreement and Unity – Obstructions to World Human Fairness Agreement

Obstructions to World Fairness Agreement If everyone believes it will work and it can be done, then it is true that it can be done. If most people don’t believe that it can be done. Then it can’t be done.  People are very stuck in their beliefs about religion. They think that the most important […]


Here is the Gift for Uniting with The Way of Fairness – The World Human Fairness Agreement

The World Fairness Agreement If we can get everyone to do this, it will work. Just wanting world peace and unity without corruption will never make world peace and unity happen until you stop the cause of war, corruption and division. The entire world could agree to not have wars or corruption but there would […]


Do You Want Victory? Perhaps Your God or Group is not Big Enough to Protect You.

It might be Satan or Christ or Satan Christ or Mother Nature or any individual or group of individuals you can think of? Well, it is still smaller than all that is. I call this the All Powerful All. I surrender to everyone and everything several times a day. Everyone wants someone to protect them […]