If your God or ideology is not about equal fairness for all humans, it is not big enough. It will not be able to protect you from the all-powerful all and its ideology of equal fairness for all. I do not want sexual feelings now and if I get justice, I will have plenty of […]
Author: stevenlchilds
Another powerful thought from the mind of Steven LeRoy Childs. I am that man. The Course in Miracles does not explain who or what will be doing the attacking. I do. To merge this with Buddha Nature as being the all-powerful arranger of reality we could sat the attack is a perception in the minds […]
Is our reality on rails? In other words, is something unknown and unseen controlling us or arranging how our day goes? I am seeing that something like this is true. Can we get this mystery to arrange the world’s future for us in a way that we desire it to be arranged? Can we get […]
It is worth trying this. It is working for me. I do not use anger at all. I avoid fighting or opposing others. Let them do what they will. Turning the other cheek makes sense when you know from experience that unfair people soon learn to stop it. Often, they get some humble pie to […]
I am not asking you to trust or believe me. I am inviting you to trust and believe in fairness. Don’t let the distractors take you off the right path. They use sex, drugs, alcohol, power over others and various other temptations based on your desires. Be complete in your own self free from desire. […]
You and Everything That’s Not You is All There Is. You are inside of you and everything else is outside of you. Which one is bigger and more powerful? Also, there’s one thing more powerful than the outside and this is the inside and the outside put together. I call this the One All Powerful […]
Eating the Humble Pie
People that need humbling are eating the humble pie. I am doing a preemptive surrender to win and grant me victory over those that are being unfair. It is not a good idea to disrespect people. It is a good idea to surrender to everyone and serve and protect them. This is the method warrants […]
Understanding The Power of Evil And How to Defeat it. Evil’s power comes from fear and Good’s power also comes from fear. Evil is unfairness and good is fairness. The key to understanding this is fear. Here is an Analogy: Person A steals person B’s money. Person B knows about it. Person A is afraid […]
What God is Against Atheists?
Some religions claim that if we refuse to surrender to them their God will punish us for all eternity. They claim we will be punished in hell. They claim this God is real, even though there’s no evidence. They have faith that their is a God that will punish atheists for all eternity. Atheists are […]
I am being attacked as I write this The group of people you are with want you to be unfair to other groups of people. The other groups of people are in groups that want them to be unfair to other groups. These kinds of groups of people won’t let the people in the groups […]