Does anyone really want me to stop teaching this? Would you tell the rescuer to slow down or would you tell the rescuer to hurry up please. The person that dies if I don’t teach this might be you? Maybe Glenn Beck needs to hear my instructions to save his life? Hurry Glenn, read my […]
Author: stevenlchilds
Can Humans be Healed? Humans have a wound from unfairness. Humans can be healed easily. Establish a law against unfairness. It is unfairness that has made the humans sick. It has infected all of them. It is destroying the whole world. We have thousands of laws that are said falsely to create justice. Justice is […]
Tyranny of the masses is why humans failed so far. The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to majority rule in which the majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own objectives at the expense of those of the minority factions1. It involves a scenario in which decisions made […]
When We Are the World Rulers.
I will be the same as everyone else. Any individual or group not agreeing to be fair to everyone will be locked in a small cell in solitary confinement until they agree to be fair to everyone. This is the only allowable penalty for being unfair. No other punishments will be allowed. This punishment is […]
Don’t call Me Buck Wheat
Apparently There is no Extraterrestrials that will provide evidence that I am the king of the earth or that I am the one that saves us from disaster or that I am the one that has the most valuable writing or that I am the one that stops the aliens’ wars on humans. The above […]
We need to World Human Fairness Agreement. We need absolution and exoneration. All those not agreeing to stop being unfair will be locked up until they agree. Agree or be locked up. Punishing for past crimes is never going to create justice for all. The way I just described is the way that will work, […]
Someone Snoring Claims I Did it.
Sperm Theft Dream
The dream was in a food store and the older bigger kids were stealing something from the smaller kids younger kids. I am now hearing via teletalk about stealing sperm. Maybe this means sex energy or life force or something. Someone said please don’t turn me on. This is not making much sense yet. I […]
I agree to have orgasm if humans establish World Human Fairness Agreement. I wonder why they are so persistent in trying to trick me into masturbation? I think humans are connected in a telepathic network with them. They are opposed to me establishing fairness. They are attempting to gain control over me. I have had […]
I insist that all humans write down the selected number and what time they were told to write it down. This is the first step to get “fairness” to be agreed upon as the foundational law of all humans. I cannot get the others minds to agree with me. So, I declare war on them […]