This is what I am saying to the most powerful, the most important humans. The ones that defend their way of life and their beliefs. The ones in control of things. They are destroying my world, my home. They try to resolve the past that is gone. They bring up things. They do all kinds […]
Author: stevenlchilds
Winner Take All and Protect All.
Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. Everyone counts the same. We intend on winning the game of life. Also it is not a game. The most powerful team wins. We are faith-based atheists, and we are faith-based believers. We are on the universal team including aliens. Faith is evidence for things not […]
The most important thing is the actual truth. Don’t worry you can keep it hidden if you agree to stop doing others wrong.
We must all agree to not do others wrong. Those that do others wrong will be forced to stop by extraterrestrials against their will. I am a special person to them.
Faith in God People often think Atheists are cursed by God. There are hundreds of scriptures saying God is totally against atheists in so many words. I am a faith based atheist and I have faith that the Gods are totally imaginary and I have faith that those people that think I am going to […]
There is such a thing as evidence of truth. One day they will realize that we need to unite and work together rather than fight each other so we can get the powerful people to join the way of fairness.
Unfairness from others causes the wound and the hatred that never stops until the unfairness stops. Infinite love will not help. Only ending the human unfairness will stop the wounding and the hatred. Every human must understand this and agree to stop being unfair to others. I ask you question to bring understanding. Are all […]
YouTube – Apocalypse
I have been trying to prevent the destruction by explaining to the people how to prevent it. The people are incapable or unwilling to understand. I am in acceptance of the apocalypse that is happening already. My single purpose is to stop others from doing me wrong and to stop doing wrong to others. Those […]