
I Will Not Do You Wrong

The Heresy of Consciousness. An Atheist’s Perspective  Poodles are dogs but dogs are not poodles. Reality is consciousness but consciousness is not reality. Is there a fundamental consciousness that exists even if the universe did not exist that creates the universe or is it the other way around? So that there is a fundamental universe […]


You Are OK version 2.

You Are OK I am ok and you are ok. Everything is ok. What we do and what we think and what we experience is ok. How we are and what we are and who we are is ok. When we realize this, we naturally stop doing others wrong and they also naturally stop doing […]



It means that it is ok to kill someone if they are doing you sufficiently wrong. We must be justified in our thoughts and actions in order to not be doing others wrong. If we are doing others wrong, we are not justified. Our system of law and order is based on stopping others from […]


Close to Suicide?

Close to Suicide? If you are close to suicide pray for their death and destruction. I am a faith-based atheist. I pray to a benevolent universal collective evolved mind network that we are a part of. Maybe there is a God. Maybe there is no God. We know there are benevolent people and there are […]


Why Do People Want to Be Cruel?

Why do people want to be cruel? Probably it happened to them. Hitler’s people became extremely cruel to the Jews. The SS police became extremely cruel. We are shocked by what happened historically. This could happen with any tribe. German people are not different from other people. It is just circumstance that brings out the […]


We Are People That Stand for Truth and Fairness

We are people that stand for truth and fairness for all and from all. We stop others from doing us wrong and we stop ourselves from doing others wrong. The government’s system and the culture’s system are not working. They define us as wrong as doing wrong, as being the law breakers. They enslave and […]


Without World Fairness Agreement the World Will Be Hit with Ugly Stick

Help us rescue the planet. Prevent a dreadful future. Everything else is selfishness. There will be no beauty in our world without us rescuing it. Everything will become ugly. There will be no love, no joy, no happiness. The entire planet will be hit with the ugly stick.   We get punished when we do something […]


The First Question – Why is There Anything?

The First Question The first question in philosophy and cosmology is why is there anything? Why does anything exist? I have simplified this to the idea that there actually is nothing at all. There is not anything. Then the question becomes: why can nothing at all appear as this existence? How does it do it? […]


Spiritual Connection, Guidance and Protection

On: Spiritual Connection, Guidance and Protection We have many wonderful myths, religions, philosophies and teachings from all around the world. You might benefit from learning more of them to some degree and if you feel intuitively guided to something that will be great. The result is a profound sense of wellbeing and joy. Then the […]


The World Fairness Agreement – with Introduction and addendum

select the title to open the full document Introduction Before we had boats that could cross the ocean there was no way to get a message to the other people on the planet that were across the ocean. Today we can get a message to everyone on the planet – with few exceptions – within […]