Podcast: play or record. The winning psychology eliminating cruelty in childhood. Our future depends on this work being the agreed upon.
Author: stevenlchilds
Hail Satan God of Fairness
Play or record podcast. This podcast explains mythological Gods and how they arrange our world. Speculation that actual sentient beings that are powerful, invisible and real are behind our God stories. Satan was a fabricated power used to scare people into Christianity. It did not work. Now Satan has come to represent justice. Hell has […]
Killing Over Falsehood
Record or play Podcast We have evidence of truth. Refuting false beliefs and fighting for fairness results in war. I declare war. I am not violent. I want justice for all.
An Honest Mistake About God
Play or Download. This podcast is about the truth about Satan and God. Shhh!
Give punishment to those that claim to be the creator of reality and also to those that claim the creator of reality has a mind. It is not fair that I get punished for believing the creator is mindless. Reward those that agree with justice for all.
The Secret Unknown Invisible Ones
Play or record the podcast. This one explains how everyone can win and have a wonderful life.
My Atheist Manifesto
I am atheist because I believe the creator that is real has no mind. Mind emerged via evolution. I believe mind is a collective oneness. Everything is a unified whole. Some people call this God. My Manifesto Atheism, materialism, physicalism does not limit me from ET resurrection and or no death because of atheist ETs. […]
How to Stop Mass Murders
Podcast push play or download. This one gives some perspective of what goes on with humanity and why we kill each other.
Are You Doing OK?
This is a recorded podcast. Push play the usual way. I explain the problem of not being able to stop the unfairness because it is the force of evil. I explain how we can defeat it in a good way for everyone. Just caring about the welfare of others is about half way there.
The War About Religion
I claim the creator of all had no mind. Even though it had no mind it had all power in that it was all that exists. It still is all that exists and it still has no mind of its own. We have minds. The creator is the creation. It is us. We are the […]