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Author: stevenlchilds
Is AA a Cult? Yes and no
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Sexual Bribery and Extortion
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A Worldwide Agreement For Fairness
This agreement for fairness from everyone and fairness for everyone is inevitable. It is as if our world has become very small and fragile. This agreement is the only way to stop the catastrophe from the insanity of unfairness to each other.
The Way of Fairness Will Work
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I Will Help You if You Help Me
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Ho’oponopono for Believers in God
We Are Cheated by a Separate God
The Way of Fairness Has One Purpose
Humanity is doomed if…
It is easy to see that if humans do not see the need of all humans agreeing to be fair to all humans it will result in a dreadful disaster. I cannot think of any other remedy to human destroying human. We want fairness Now! We want fairness for all and fairness from all.