
We Give You Peace if You Give Us Fairness

There are 2 realms – fairness and war. If you are unfair, you get war and if you are fair, you get peace. Unfairness is the cause of all wars. Who is the boss? This is what war determines. It determines who gets their way. Are our leaders and rulers fair to each other and […]


Have You Been Done Wrong? We Can help!

The Way of This site is dedicated to helping people that need to heal from unfairness – from being done wrong. We heal our wounds and then they keep happening over and over aging. The unfairness keeps happening. This alliance is to stop unfairness. We can end the hatred.


Time For Fairness for All and From All

Up until now humanity has not stopped the hatred from wars or from being done wrong by other religions, tribes and/or nations. We have not had the wisdom to require fairness for all humans and have not taught that it is wrong to do wrong to others that are not in our group. This is […]


Harmful Lies

We have seen the lies of politicians create disasters. Why can’t we have laws against harmful lies? It’s not fair. We need to set the record straight. There are times we need to deceive in order to prevent wrong being done from someone that is unfair. These are not harmful lies rather; they are helpful […]


1 minute method

Have you heard of a talking stick? It’s native American. Everyone gets a turn to talk and no can interrupt. The one minute method is for arguments, conflicts and disagreements. The person talking gets one minute to state his case. Then someone else gets their turn. The object is to create Fairness. A conclusion is […]


Defeat Everyone That is Unfair to You

The Way of Fairness is an alliance. We are all completely independent and we agree to defeat everyone that is unfair to us. Of course I agree to be fair to you. The way of fairness is an intention and a position or stance. It is a declaration. We want everyone to join us. Everyone […]


Impending Doom from Unfairness

Religions are allowed to deceive us and lie to us. Politicians are allowed to deceive and lie to us. Everyone is allowed to deceive and lie to everyone. Why should anyone be against this unfair injustice? Why should anyone not lie and deceive others? Even the religions and governments are doing it. We all suffer […]


Tested by Extraterrestrials

I am telepathic. The extraterrestrials are telling me a bunch of bull shit. They try to manipulate me. They use desires of mine; fear of something to avoid or pursuit of something I want. I am not sure if it is an evil type as opposed to the non-evil type or if it is just […]


We Are Wounded From Injustice

Justice for all is fairness for all so, why so much unfairness. Because they don’t write laws to create fairness for all. Why not? Because they are unfair. Our government is unjust and so are the people it governs. Unfairness should not be allowed anywhere. Unfair people try to change the truth to falsehood and […]


ExtraTerrestrials Are Here

What we thought was a creator God, all knowing and all powerful is actually ET. They did not create reality. They emerged from mindless reality as did humans. They can and do intervene in a divine way. They are waiting for humans to become a fair minded species. They will help us if we accept […]