Send us $5 or more. We will make the future better than anyone thought possible. You will have participated in creating the “Way of Fairness” and “World Fairness Project” and we will handle it from there. We will do all the heavy lifting. Select “Donate to Our Cause” in the menu. We will create a […]
Author: stevenlchilds
Anything in religion that is unfair is of evil. I am an atheist. People make God claims and do not believe their claim is true. Atheists can make God claims too. They don’t believe it’s true either. The Republicans don’t have the exclusive right to lie about what we think is true.
Let me know in a comment on this post if you’re interested in making the World Fairness Project happen. Also, I need help to make the World Fairness Project happen. My thoughts are that we should get a nonprofit status and possibly a Religion status. I am having trouble with lack of computer skills and […]
What follows is a list of thought affirmations and practices we do on a daily basis to keep our minds on the path of Fairness Awareness. We are protected from unfair people by the way of fairness. We do not do anyone wrong. We will not think any unfair thoughts about anyone. If anyone does […]
We Alone The others are not helping much. Most do harm. They have betrayed us. They are in the manifested world of the past. We listen to the silence. We use non-existence. The powerful ones are there. We are with them in silent non-action. Nothing needs to be done. The people of the past do […]
The Best Defense in a World at War
We get the enemy to agree to not be unfair and we agree to not be unfair to them. I do not think there is any other way.
Both major political parties can have in their platform that we are working toward fairness for everyone and fairness from everyone. In this way there will be a joint unity for Americans. This same idea can work worldwide.
With all their money and influence they support world fairness agreement and in return they are pardoned for their past. We want this pardon to be worldwide for everyone as a way to get everyone in agreement to establish the world of fairness. It will be a worldwide agreement. All religions and governments will talk […]
This is the way of fairness and the World Fairness project. We Need a New Normal of Fairness If we’re going to prevent a terrible tragedy, we must stop the conflicts before they escalate. Anything that’s unfair we have to stop. All unfairness must be stopped. In the USA, many people – if not all […]