Welcome! You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours. You can’t get where you need to be if you’re on the wrong road to get […]
Author: stevenlchilds
Fairness Awareness
Fairness Awareness Humans have made a mess of things. It is because humans are incapable of the fairness awakening. Or shall we call it Fairness Awareness. I have no hope for humans because they lack Fairness Awareness. Most likely there will be terrible famine and destruction of earth’s ecosystems. There will be one hellish war […]
When unfairness wins there’s destruction
It is possible that we all agree on accepting the requirement of being fair to each other. Surrendering to fairness may be a misunderstanding. We do not want to surrender because we are already agreeing to be fair. It is the unfair people and aliens that need to accept the requirement of being fair to […]
You won’t be asked to be fair while the others are still lying, stealing and cheating. This is a “I will if you will” agreement. We are talking about a worldwide political and religious agreement as well a personal agreement.