Author: stevenlchilds
It is because we have the way to communicate with the entire world for the first time since the dawn of man. It was not long ago that humans had no way to cross oceans. Then came the transatlantic cable. We could communicate across the oceans to the few people that could receive the message. […]
Can Religion and Fairness Co-exist?
Sadly, religion should be about fairness to others but instead it tells its followers to be unfair to others. The unfairness starts with what happens to the children born into the religion. Then they are sometimes told to kill other people. They are sometimes told to sacrifice by killing animals and even humans for a […]
One of the definitions of war is – according to google – a sustained effort to deal with or end a particular unpleasant or undesirable situation or condition. This is what I mean by war. This is the kind of war that I am waging. I am at war with all unfair people and all […]
Their God does not Exist to us.
Their God does not Exist to us. We are not ruled by the various Gods that religions claim to exist. We dispute that claim. There is a reason their claim must be disputed. Their scriptures say that we should be killed. Their scriptures tell them to despise us and defeat us. Also they are attempting […]
They appear to us as human unless they want to appear as something else. They want to feel familiar to us. They explained to me with telepathy and dreams about them that they are not human, and they are extraterrestrials. They give me dreams, thousands of dreams. An example is I remembered a dream image […]
The 1 Minute Method of Arguments
This is helpful in any controversial conversation. Here is a way that works. Get them to agree to argue for 1 minute and then it’s your turn for 1 minute and so forth. There will be absolutely no interruptions. If they won’t agree, then the conversation is over and also your support of them is […]