
Don’t Be Deceived by Unfair People blog post and Chris Hedges with Ralph Nadir YouTube Video

The other unknown mind is trying to get me to believe all kinds of things I don’t believe. If people don’t unite with TheFairness Agreement, they deserve to suffer from the unfairness of other lesser minds. Let the old way stay as is until it joins us. The World Fairness Agreement is the only idea […]


Podcast…Asking ET for Help, PSI Mind Power of Ingo Swann


The Truth is Humans Hurt Each Other

Truth is what things are. A rock is truth. A cloud is truth. People are truth. Dogs and cats are truth. Babies are truth. The sun is truth. Light is truth and dark is truth. Philosophers cannot understand this because they use too many words. I have the idea that books are not going to […]


Notice New Menu Item

I was telling you about my synthesizer and effects pedal that strangely enabled my podcasts on the website as I already had all the equipment required to do audio voice – on the podcast on 12.31.22 – so here is a sample with the new effects pedal for reverb, delay, phaser, etc. The pedal makes […]


But, I want to be left alone

Who needs to hear this? If you are being unfair to others, you will never be left alone. People that are fair do not care that you want to get away with being unfair. If you are in a religion that is unfair to people that are fair… well look at what unfair religions create? […]


Podcast…The Evil in Humans and Why ETs Terrorize Humans


You Must Be Fair. We Protect You from Unfairness if You Do?

I don’t know who it is that needs to hear this. Challenge me if you want. If you are fair and I am fair, we both win. So, who wins the challenge? If you are unfair, I will hurt you. If you are fair, I will protect you. Challenging fairness is a mistake. Try and […]


Unfairness of Religion and Politics Has Harmed Us Deeply

Religion hurts the best people on the planet. If you value courage. If you value integrity. If you value honesty. This is the criteria I am using to determine the “best people” Can you imagine how many good females were burned at the stake for being witches. How many good Jews were killed in the […]


The Curse of the Stench is Upon Glenn Beck

Unfair people will never defeat us. My guardian angel ET told me Glenn Beck has to eat it. Anyone being unfair me to protect Glenn Beck is in deep doo doo. Everyone must accept being fair to everyone. Religion or God is not going to protect unfair people. This is a war against unfairness. It […]


Religion Claims Falsehood is True, Then So Can Everyone Else

Is this the root of the problem?