Author: stevenlchilds
Each person can have 2 children. That’s it! This will result in a gradual reduction of population. The children do not to be from the same spouse. If a person has 1 child and then marries a person that has no children that person can only have 1 child from the person that already has […]
Let’s talk about the things that aren’t fair. Immigrants coming from some other place and taking over. A different nation taking control of your homeland. They look different and they have different beliefs that are unfair to you. Somebody puts a rancid waste processing plant in your backyard. They had lots of money, and they […]
Protect me from myself There’s an unseen power here protecting me from myself and everyone from me. Maybe it’s my own better half. Maybe it is someone unknown and unseen that is doing it. I have a better side to me that has a worse me with it. My worst side to me is harmful […]
ET Vision Told Me Declare War
ET Vision Told Me Declare War It appears this vision I had during meditation is the most important and powerful single event of my entire life. It happened as I was attempting to accept the loss I was going through. I had been separated from the women I loved and our child. Religion and laws […]
The War Against Low-Level Aliens The Aliens I am at war with are still trying to rule me. They are trying to deceive me into thinking they have power over me. The telepathic conversation from them is me over hearing them communicating with each other. I am left out of the communication. They ignore me. […]