I have learned how to stop negative thoughts toward me.
Author: stevenlchilds
Do you want things to be better?
Do you want things to be better? I know what to do and I know how to do it. I already explained how on the website. We only have to do one thing. We have to get everyone to agree to be fair to everyone.
Podcast – Greedy Authoritarians
Maybe We Will Learn Who They Are
They told me to not worry about posting more content. They want me to let everyone catch up. The World Fairness Agreement will happen later. They already know that. See you on Zoom or call or txt or email me.
Is it Just a Dream?
They communicated that I am the Savior, and the LDS church will stop practicing Christianity and create the real savior’s religion as described on this website. Christianity went drastically off course. I do not believe anything whatsoever in a permanent fashion. Every belief is subject to change when we learn we were wrong. They will […]
What if extraterrestrials have been observing humans for a long time? What if they’ve been observing planet Earth before human species even developed? They’ve been watching the dog-eat-dog competition. They’ve been watching all the tribal wars since the beginning. They watched as humans came up with ideas that favored unifying the whole bunch of us. […]
A Fair Agreement About God.
There is a reason I talk about God so much. My smartphone said that 7% of the world are atheists. In order to unify the world for fairness, we have to get an agreement about God. This is why I serve the All Powerful All. This is the same oneness that extraterrestrials serve.
We Are Tested with Choices
This is about telepathy more than it is about ordinary communication. An unknown woman is asking me to sleep with her. Her thoughts will ask do you want me? I am totally celibate and am saying no to all sexual feelings. I do not want that controlling me or trying to control me. A friend […]
We are going to stop them from doing you wrong.
My War Against Glenn Beck Continues
It is his support system that is evil. It is MAGA that is evil. It is White Christian Nationalism that is Evil. It is falsehood in a war against factual truth that is evil. It is unfairness that is evil. We found the enemy and it is us.