We need this to unify us all peacefully and in a fair way to everyone. All government functions need to be done to create fairness for everyone. What kind of a person would disagree with fairness for everyone? Only unfair people would not want this. Unfair people should be locked up.
Author: stevenlchilds
I dreamed I was at a big gathering kind of like at school and it was Christian and Glenn Beck was going to be there. I’m telling them how angry I am at him because he lies and threatens my life by turning people against me. The dream shifts. I am hitting a person in […]
What’s the word that best describes our system of justice in the USA? The top of my list is injustice. Injustice best describes our justice system. My second pick is ignorance. My third choice is mafia. My fourth choice is depravity. My fifth choice is entropy. My 6th choice is degraded. My 7th choice is […]
As king of the world, I hereby decree. Anyone can designate anyone as being the king of the world. I won’t be jealous if you pick someone else. I also decree that the actual king of the world is actually fairness itself. Does fairness have a self? Well, it should. (Otters is a code word for […]
An Imaginary Action to Stop Tormenting Thoughts I am tormented by adverse thoughts about imaginary things. It is very disturbing to not be able to stop these thoughts that appear to be coming from the others. I don’t even know for sure who or what the others are. I am having great success in stopping […]
Killing people is not the solution to Unfairness. The Way of fairness is not violent. If everybody agrees that the world fairness agreement will work if everyone makes the agreement, then why don’t we do it? If it is unfairness that causes war, crime , poverty, hatred and anger then all we need to do […]
Our legal system does not stop unfairness. It says there’s Justice for all but it fails to stop the unfairness. This is why the system does not work well. Unfairness is injustice. Let’s fix the system so it’s purpose is to stop unfairness. Justice should be right. We are supposed to have equal justice under […]
We Are Created Equal
We are all created equal is the famous idea written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. We all have the same rights. We also have the same responsibility to be fair to everyone. When one person is unfair to another there is anger and hatred. When one group of people is unfair to […]
I dreamed of an image of Glenn Beck and it exploded. There may be a connection to a suicide bomber. Stinky yucky stuff went all over the place. Mexican people are now understanding that unfairness is a problem for them. Muslims also understand this. The Republicans are more outnumbered than ever. My purpose – our […]