Is God the most powerful boss of all? Or is it Satan? What if I told you that neither one is. All individual beings, whether they be God, or the devil, or anyone else, are within the one thing that is everything. All of us are within the one thing that is everything. All of us have equal power from this one. Everyone finds that their power comes from the others that support them. Everyone is dependent on what is outside of us to keep us alive. It is not possible for us to be separate from this one that is everything. Neither God nor Satan can tell this one that is all what to do? Neither God nor Satan will ever rule over this one that is everything. All of us eventually realized that this one that is everything is what we are. It is not actually separate things. It is one thing. It is truthful to say that no one exists, only the one that is everything exists. Someone might think that they’re ruling over others, but it’s actually the one thing in the form of them, that is reeling over others. We soon realize how silly it is to fight each other. We are all the same one. It is one thing even though we see separate things. Imagine the ocean is the only thing that exists. The waves on the surface are not separate from the ocean. The waves are just forms of the ocean. Imagine a room with 20 people in it. Actually, there is only the ocean. There are not any people in the room. There is no room. There is only the one thing that is us. There is only the ocean. This truth is the only truth. There is no other truth. What do you think about this? It is the one thing that is doing the thinking. We mistakenly think we are thinking thoughts ourselves. There are no separate selves. There are no separate thoughts. Shanti Shanti Shanti. It means peace be with you or be at peace.