
Authoritarianism is Creating Hell on Earth

I had not been indoctrinated into the authoritarian university structure. Most of them had succumbed to the authoritarianism during childhood. They were forced to succumb when they were children by authoritarian parents. My parents were not authoritarians, but my family was in an authoritarian religion that has a God with tyrannical power. 

Because my parents were not authoritarians – for the most part – I was able to see the authoritarianism all around me. It’s a funny thing how people that have succumbed to authoritarianism cannot tolerate people that have not been beaten into submission – literally or metaphorically. They see us, with our freedom, and they think someone should beat us into submission. They think, “why hasn’t anyone beaten that person into submission.” 

I realized there are others that have not succumbed to authoritarianism but they fake that they have. They stay out of trouble. 

Our judiciary is based on authoritarianism. It needs to be replaced with the “Law of Fairness.” Privacy and secrecy is given to everyone that agrees to “The World fairness Agreement.” The new 10 commandment is replaced with the Law of Fairness, It is simply no one is allowed to do anyone wrong. 

What if there were no court cases because no one broke a law. This will happen with the single law of fairness. All present laws must comply with the Law of Fairness. Everything – religions, governments, corporations and people must comply with The World Fairness Agreement. 

With The World Fairness Agreement everyone will be helped by everyone. We will all work to make everyone have a good life. People relocating to other jobs will have a better job than the one they have now. The world week will be 15 hrs. Because there will be no wars or government inefficiency. We will save ourselves from a hellish future of our own making. 

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